Thursday 23 October 2014

The Ugly Sharkling

It was a hot day and a boy was at home so he decided to go to the beach with the spider and the shark had no teeth and he looked like an old man and the shark looked like a whale with no teeth and the shark looked like it was going to eat the boy and the spider.  The fish say "You have no teeth."  The shark felt bad and he has no friends and then the boy and the spider make friends with him and they had a little swim around the ocean and the boy said, "I could grab some chips."

Thursday 20 March 2014

My Maths Learning

I have been learning about maths.  I have learnt  about a tally chart. by Kaden

Seahorse Art

I like the eyeball and I like the colours and I wouldn't change anything.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Beach Trip to Raglan

We went to Raglan beach on a bus and it was fun. When we got there we started to dig a hole and it was deep and we made a path and then we put water in at the end.                                

Tuesday 18 February 2014


I don't like school.  I like playing with my friends.